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Stripped Cocktails - Rooster Feathers, Stripped Coque, 8-10 inches, Eyelash Feathers, by the yard

Stripped Cocktails - Rooster Feathers, Stripped Coque, 8-10 inches, Eyelash Feathers, by the yard

Stripped cocktails, also known as eyelash feathers are rooster feathers that have been stripped along the quill, leaving the top of the feather untouched. Our stripped cocktails are 8-10 inches long with 300-350 feathers in each yard.

Stripped cocktails are extremely popular for Millinery and are often seen on Kentucky Derby Hats.

#Kentucky #Derby #Hat #Feathers #Millinery #DIY

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Pink stripped cocktail feathers
All stripped cocktails 8-10" by the yard (CHOOSE YOUR COLOR)
Regular price $40.00

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